Wooden floor

Wooden floor

Due to the traditional and natural texture of the wooden floor,wooden flooring has become the most common surfacing on a marina. Common types are outdoor hardwood (natural preservative wood), plastic wood(WPC), and common preservative wood (such as pine).

Indonesia pineapple grid

Regarding the choice of wooden flooring, due to the poor anti-corrosion wood texture, when it use outdoor , especially water-side environment, requires frequent painting to ensure non-corrupt, and it is easy to crack under long-term sunlight. So better places will use hardwood as outdoor wood flooring. However, hardwood is more expensive and requires frequent maintenance, which is costly.

  WPC flooring is a new type of material, also called ecological wood. It is made by crushing wood and mixing it with plastic. The plastic content isn’t less than 40%. It has good corrosion resistance and durability. High-quality WPC can meet the china Class B1 fire protection requirements. And the price is much lower compared to hardwood. Nowadays it is widely used in marinas and pontoons. , it have natural wood grain or non-slip pattern according to demand.

Treated wood
Pineapple grid